Customer: Antara Koh Pte Ltd
Country: Singapore
Project Location: Jurong Island, Singapore
We were appointed by Antara Koh Pte Ltd to conduct a mooring analysis for the proposed Singapore LNG terminal secondary and tertiary berths at Jurong Island, Singapore.
The mooring analysis was conducted using OPTIMOOR software. The mooring arrangement layouts were provided by the customer.
Scope of work for the mooring analysis was as follows:
A number of terminal feasibility studies were supported using the STATSCo in-house BMT REMBRANDT system, as well as incident reconstructions to provide rapid insight.
The import of natural gas (NG) in Cyprus is a project of national, cross-border and European importance. As part of the wider infrastructure design challenges, ETYFA required support identifying risks and mitigations associated with the unique and complex undertaking. We provided risk assessments successfully supported stakeholder engagement and the wider understanding of mitigations.
BMT REMBRANDT was chosen by Harland and Wolff and utilised its latest S-100 compliant ENC platform, developed in close cooperation with the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office(UKHO).
The US National Transportation Safety Board's Office of Marine Safety has installed our fully certified BMT REMBRANDT simulator system.