Client: EMS Progress
The lake within Unity Park, Kuching, Sarawak, was highly degraded and was therefore slated for remediation by the Sarawakian Premier in 2017. BMT was commissioned to develop the complete remediation plan of the lake and its catchment.
BMT used advanced numerical modelling tools and design expertise to develop a system wide remediation plan for a degraded lake with Unity Park, Kuching, Sarawak. This system included water quality treatment devices, both for in-catchment and in-lake settings. Based on this, BMT worked with local engineers to develop full design drawings for the remediation tender documentation.
Seqwater is the Queensland Government Bulk Water Supply Authority and manages over $11 billion of water supply infrastructure - including dams and weirs, conventional water treatment plants, a desalination plant, the Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme, as well reservoirs, pump stations and more than 600 kilometres of bi-directional pipeline network. As part of Seqwater's climate change risk management, this project assessed climate change vulnerability of Seqwater's built assets.
We conducted a Pilot Study of the College Park Landfill (CPLF), a 30-acre site operated as a municipal landfill from 1954 through 1978. Following closure, a cover was applied, but it was not closed in accordance with regulatory requirements. As landfills are known for their ability to mobilize hazardous substances into surrounding media, the CPLF was added to the U.S. Superfund (CERCLA) program for further evaluation.
In partnership with the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), we are helping to prepare new national guidelines regarding climate resilient materials.
Reliability of process design of water treatment works in Hong Kong was enhanced through various studies and reviews.