I joined BMT in February 2007 as a Safety Engineer, since then I have been fortunate enough to have several opportunities for advancement, resulting in a number promotions. Prior to joining the GMIS team I was Group Manager/Business Unit Lead for the Land Systems team at BMT Asset Performance.
I’ve always wanted to continue further education but had struggled to find a subject that I would be interested in enough to commit. The degree apprenticeship in project management ticked several boxes; it was relevant to my day job, the time commitment wasn't prohibitive, and the cost wasn’t a barrier.
Having started my degree apprenticeship in January 2022, it’s perhaps a little early to say what it’s been like; however, I have had excellent support from my Line Manager and the Learning and Development team in Teddington. The L&D team were able to offer sound advice, point me in the right direction to find out more information and support me with my application to the University. I hope that doing this slightly later in life will encourage a few others to consider it.
Still, early days but the mix of experiences on my course is exciting and brings different perspectives to group discussions. The cohort comprises BAE graduates, University of Portsmouth staff, local council staff and independent small/medium enterprises. The age range is from the very early 20s to those who are nearer to 50.
From my limited experience to date, I would say yes. It’s been a long time since I was at school. Still, I’m finding myself enjoying the academic rigour, reading up subjects and learning about new topics (or vital issues that I already have an understanding of). Remind me of this, please, when I’m sitting at my laptop late at night trying to complete an assignment!
Although I get one day a week to attend lectures/study, there is extra reading and learning outside of that. I’d say consider the impact this might have on external commitments (family, hobbies etc.). Be prepared that some days you’ll be putting in an entire workday followed by study, don’t let this put you off, though.
Project Management is just one of the degree apprenticeships on offer, so I’d say have a search, look for a subject that interests you and that you can see benefits not just yourself but the business as well.
The first assignment that I’m working on is Leading and Managing Change and with all the change that BMT has undergone in my time here I can see that I’ve got a wealth of experience to be able to draw upon and I’m hopeful that I can bring back some best practice and up to date methods and processes.
Yaz Majrouh
As we confront the increasing impact of global warming, the challenges our customers face are evolving. Insights from Yaz Majrouh, our commercial partner, highlight how innovation in infrastructure projects, urban planning, and flood disaster management can mitigate the impacts of global warming and encourage adaptation.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Science, I joined BMT. The diverse projects and global presence really appealed to me as well as the graduate programme on offer. This started with a structured set of modules focused on business and interpersonal skills before progressing to my area, which centred on reliability, obsolescence, safety, and environment. This focus later evolved into asset performance management (APM), where I’m still working today.
I have been with BMT for 30 years, having first joined in April 1991, working in a project management admin role in the Research Directorate in Teddington.
I joined BMT in September 2008 as a Graduate Consultant. BMT's commitment in Design and Engineering and its specialism in Environmental and Sustainability management appealed to me as a graduate from The University of Bath.