

A family of multi-role logistics ship designs created to provide the capabilities to support naval and amphibious in global operations.

BMT's ELLIDA® family 

ELLIDA® is a family of multi-role logistics ship designs created to provide the capabilities to support naval and amphibious forces in global operations.

ELLIDA® is designed from the outset to be a flexible, capable of transporting bulk cargo, vehicles and personnel for military operations or logistics support. The ships offer a large internal vehicle deck, accessing a stern welldock for the stowage and loading of organic landing craft, weather deck stowage, accommodation for embarked personnel, combined with features for amphibious offload by sea and air.

ELLIDA® principal roles:

• Strategic logistics transportation of rolling cargo / vehicles, troops and freight between ports
• Amphibious offload of embarked land forces in uncontested environments
• Amphibious offload of embarked land forces in secured environments as part of a wider amphibious assault, under the protection of naval vessels
• Operations in support of Special Forces
• Delivery of replenishment at sea (design option)

ELLIDA® secondary roles:

• Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief and civilian evacuation operations
• Medical support to naval and land forces
• Medical support to civilian authorities
• Search and Rescue, including acting as the Command Unit

The ELLIDA® family is designed as a naval auxiliary vessel satisfying IACS Classification Society and commercial rules supplemented with naval standards to offer appropriate survivability, including redundant propulsion notation, IMO passenger ship stability regulations and enhanced naval stability requirements where specified.

A family of tailorable designs

The ELLIDA® 130 and ELLIDA® 150 designs are small amphibious units, able to deploy with a small embarked force and its associated supporting lighter vehicles. Amphibious operations are envisaged as being sea borne via embarked landing craft and assault
craft at relatively short transit distances, deploying troops and supporting vehicles to a secured beachhead. 

The ELLIDA® 180 and ELLIDA® 200 designs are multi-role platforms designed primarily to deliver amphibious logistics but able to conduct strategic transportation, logistics re-supply and offer wider fleet support as secondary roles. The ship would provide
a significant capability to any amphibious operation it supports operating either individually or with a number of ELLIDA® platforms in combination to deliver a scalable force. Amphibious deployment could be a combination of air and/or sea. The design is optimised to support operations involving lighter strike forces, but heavier armour or support vehicles can be embarked. Operational re-supply to land forces via an
established beachhead or from offshore via landing craft or aircraft can be supported.

Effective amphibious operations

When operating in a dedicated amphibious role, ELLIDA® is designed as a naval auxiliary type of vessel which can
conduct unopposed amphibious landings and is able to transport and deploy follow-on forces support or conduct littoral strike operations as part of a wider naval force.

The ELLIDA® design includes a well dock within the vessel’s stern to stow and operate up to two landing craft. ELLIDA® is designed to operate with BMT’s CAIMEN® range of fast landing craft or other similar sized craft. All ELLIDA® variants can also accommodate
smaller davit launched personnel or assault type landing craft.

Support to humanitarian missions and medical capabilities

ELLIDA® is well suited to support Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR) and civilian evacuation operations with extensive stowage and payload capacity, significant passenger accommodation and organic boats and aircraft. ELLIDA® has the capability to remain poised in a
theatre of operations for a prolonged period during poor weather seasons ready to provide support or respond rapidly as a pre-stored intervention vessel.

Flexible solutions

The ELLIDA® design exploits its features to offer the flexibility needed to be a successful and adaptable multi-role ship.

Deck stowage areas are provided for embarkation of containers, stores, mission specific equipment or modular capabilities in addition to the ship’s own. The larger variants can be fitted with cranes capable of embarking the deck equipment.

As an option, the larger variants can be furnished with replenishment at sea (RAS) delivery equipment. With a single RAS mast on each side and storage provided in containers on deck or in the vehicle deck, this would allow ELLIDA® to act as a stores replenishment ship. Additionally, limited fuel RAS could be provided to escorts or other deployed warships.

The larger variants (ELLIDA® 180 and 200) have a large flexible space within the superstructure. Accessible from the Hangar or forward stowage area, this flexible space has sufficient height to allow modules with a TEU container-sized footprint to be embarked in a weathertight environment. The facility would enable embarkation of enhanced medical facilities, uncrewed air systems, containerised magazines or other
systems to enhance the ship’s capabilities.

Bespoke ELLIDA® solutions

This range demonstrates examples of the breadth of the potential capability on offer. However, BMT provides customised solutions that can be adapted to suit the specific requirements of individual, international military forces.

Request the full ELLIDA® brochure here.

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