The original coastal rock structures at Port Geographe, Busselton were reconfigured in 2015 by the Department of Transport to alleviate seagrass accumulation, address beach erosion issues and improve environmental and amenity outcomes for the coast and community.
As the Department of Transport’s Coastal Engineering Advisor for the management of beaches, structures and waterways at Port Geographe, BMT undertook an analysis of recent wind and wave conditions at the site to evaluate the relative severity of winter storms and provide an indication of the metocean drivers behind wrack accumulation and removal.
The metocean variables investigated included wind speed and direction, wave height, period and direction, water level, run-up level, storm events identified based on various levels and time lags thresholds, estimated sediment transport rate and direction.
A range of plots were produced to illustrate the data, identify patterns and communicate our specialist interpretation of the results.
The proposed expansion of the Port of Townsville involves significant dredging of sea bed materials to provide for vessel access, maneuvering and berthing.
We were engaged by Fremantle Ports to develop and implement the marine monitoring program required to assess and manage the potential impacts from dredging and reclamation works.
We were engaged by Fremantle Ports to project manage and provide expert technical advice on marine environmental assessment of a major port facility.
The Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL) has developed an environmental monitoring program which aims to provide an understanding of the condition, values and stressors operating at and adjacent to the port area.